At long last, the EnterpriseDB book is available!!! Woo hoo! The book was written by Oracle ACE, Lewis Cunningham. You should really read his blog on IT Toolbox, "An Expert's Guide to Oracle Technology".
Anyway, the book is fantastic.
I have read through much of the book now and find it to be very educational. Besides the first chapter, which provides some history and color around EnterpriseDB and PostgreSQL, every page contains either code snippets or screen captures.
It is very detailed and specific and any DBA or developer should be able to migrate an application from Oracle or develop a new application from scratch with this book's assistance.
Though you could read it from cover to cover, it is even better as a reference book to keep handy when migrating an app or developing a new app.
Every Oracle developer and DBA should have a copy of this book on their desk and get familiar with EnterpriseDB.
The only downside is that it is based on version 8.1 of the product. Version 8.3 is now available, so hopefully there is an updated version on the way!
Amazon shows the book as not yet available. But, it will be soon! I have over 1000 copies here. If you want one, let me know.